ESAP Steering Committee Meeting

August 13, 2003, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

IDEM-OPPTA Conference Room



Those present:  Terry Duffy, Tiffany Sorge, Amanda Hennessy, Mark Mehall, Melinda Antell, Eric Goldsmith, Mark Vander Kooy, Julie L. Rhodes, and by phone Rob Howe and Michelle Cohen


Committee members requested new sheets to report in-kind contributions.  (MC, can you provide these for next meeting?)


September 9, 2003 (3rd) Stakeholder Meeting



Update on location and date:  The September stakeholder meeting will be held at Keramida Environmental, Inc, located at 330 North College Avenue in downtown Indianapolis.  The meeting will be held September 9, 2003, from 9:30 – noon (we have the room from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.).  Facility has a screen and LCD overhead, a refreshment area (but not a kitchen), and can seat 40 – 50 people in a long open rectangle.


Invitations and mailing list:  The invitation was completed with comments from TD, RO, LS, and TS, and sent to EPA and IDOC for printing on August 11.  The mailing lists were merged and JLR added, deleted, updated and revised information on lists based on best possible info available. AH provided some additional corporate names for the Stakeholder list.  IDOC was sent county seats, local economic development organizations/local chambers and the Indiana electronics industry mailing list; EPA was sent the ESAP Stakeholder and Solid Waste Management Districts mailing lists.  All in all, about 800 paper invitations are being sent out.  Invitations should go out around August 20.  Invitation was sent out on the INESAP and has already resulted in several RSVP’s from attendees.  JLR confirmed with MA that the website does have RSVP’s coming to JLR’s personal e-mail account, and asked MC if she could try to set up an “” address for JLR so we could reset the form (this helps us get full contact information instead of just an e-mail address).


E-mail distribution of information and invitations:  JLR said that she needs to verify with MC all the lists that we forwarded to before, such as Indiana Assn of Cities and Towns, the State Chamber of Commerce, Assn of Indiana Solid Waste Management Districts, Partners in Pollution Prevention, Clean Manufacturing Institute and others.  JLR will develop a short blurb that could be sent, could be forwarded to people, could be put in newsletters, etc, along with the invitation for Sept 9.  Follow-up e-mails should be done between August 20 and 22 in order to piggyback the paper invitations.


Follow-up – all present agreed to again do follow-up phone calls to target potential stakeholders in the needed categories of manufacturers, retailers, and generators.  JLR will divvy out contact info to MA, MM, TD, EG, MV, AH, and TS at about 5 – 6 contacts each.  Once individuals have made the calls, they need to forward to JLR any revisions in contact names, contact information, or what the action was (talked with them with some info about their interest level, left voice mail, etc).  MC and AH may have gotten some of this information in the past, but JLR needs to be the depository for all this information.  MC and AH need to send JLR any past responses which did not get recorded on the databases.


Speakers and Agenda for September 9:  JLR reported that all speakers are scheduled for the Sept 9 meeting, including:  Lucy Stanfield from Region 5 EPA on national legislation and the Region 3 pilot; Dave Berry and another representative from IDEM’s Office of Land Quality (that has now been confirmed to be Tom Linson, Branch Chief for Permitting) presenting on current rules and regulations surrounding electronics storage and management; Julie L. Rhodes, IRC contractor, presenting information about other states legislation and regulations (committee asked that they be sent this document – sent 8/14); and Scott Morgan presenting about local ordinances for landfill bans and end-of-life fees for disposal.  The agreed upon agenda is:


  Terry Duffy, opening remarks

  Vicky Keramida, welcoming remarks

  Julie L. Rhodes, facilitation of meeting

  Introductions by participants (if time should permit, may ask their

biggest concern, question or challenge regarding the day’s topics)

  Lucy Stanfield, Region 5 EPA

  Tom Linson & Dave Berry, IDEM-OLQ

  JLR to facilitate a discussion about the current rules and regs and

if there are suggestions about additional needs or clarifications to further electronics collection, reuse, recycling, proper storage and management.


  Scott Morgan, Monroe County Solid Waste District

  Julie L. Rhodes, IRC Contractor

  JLR to facilitate a discussion about local ordinances, landfill bans

and end-of-      life fees and legislative mechanism to further proper electronics management       and infrastructure development- how can we further these efforts through varied means.


Announcement of next Stakeholder meeting to be held November 18, 2003, at a location to be announced.


The committee discussed ways that we will work to bring discussion out, such as having cards that people can write down questions and recommendations that will be collected and then addressed during the Q&A portion of the meeting.  Suggested that in addition to name tags, that we also have table cards so that people can see throughout the meeting who the other participants are.  Also suggested that the committee sits in the back of the room and that the speakers speak from the center to help make everyone feel connected to the discussion.  It was also suggested that we continue to announce that recyclable materials (aluminum cans) are being collected to ensure that we get people to recycle instead of dispose of waste from the meeting. 


Food:  Capital City Metals has agreed to be the food sponsor for the next meeting.  There will be signage acknowledging this and JLR and AH will work together to purchase similar food items as before.  In addition, MC working on getting a Starbucks donation for this and future meetings.  If Starbucks cannot donate coffee, then Keramida does have a 30-cup coffee pot and will make coffee for us for this meeting.  Committee members do need to bring some extra mugs and napkins as they did before to ensure that we have enough.  JLR will bring beverage bin, spoons; Amanda will buy muffins, bagels, cream cheese, coffee creamer, juices, snack bars, as before.


Toolkit:   JLR said that she has requested copies of regulations and ordinances to include in Section 2 of the Toolkit.  In addition, she has compiled a white paper on other state legislation which will become part of this Section.  It was also suggested that MA and TS have excess three ring binders and they could bring along to the stakeholder meeting, along with a large 3-hole punch (MA) so that if attendees wanted to start a binder of their Toolkit, they could do so. 


Databases:  The committee discussed all the databases that we have currently compiled.  It was noted that in addition to the Directory of Electronics Players, we would also want to develop an excel database of these players, communities that collect, etc, so JLR will work on that.



4th Stakeholder Meeting - November


Date:   Meeting date set for November 18, 2003

Location:  We will attempt to use the HHGregg Training Facility for this meeting.  (JLR called 8/14 and left voice mail for contact). The committee agreed that moving the meetings around allowed us to engage more potential stakeholders in the process.


Topic:  National efforts and methods for dealing with e-scrap in other states and communities.  The committee agreed that we would take a few examples of states that have passed legislation and show how that action impacted electronics management (the domino effect of a major action), such as Massachusetts.  We would case study MA after legislation was passed, and how they set up their infrastructure to manage materials and we could compare and contract that against what Minnesota is attempting to do by mandating actions in 2005, but working towards infrastructure development in the interim.  TD suggested FL also, and MM suggested CA.  Explore how programs are funded and what is funded.


Speaker Ideas:  Were not discussed.


*Since the last Steering Committee Meeting, Janet Fox has expressed interest in possibly helping with a environmentally preferable purchasing presentation to begin discussing how people can specify, bid and purchase electronics that have fewer toxins and are more reusable and/or recyclable.  The steering committee can discuss this more in the future, but it’s an interesting idea that we might want to look at for November 18 as well.


Webpage:  MA got a round of applause for her good work on the website.  JLR asked everyone to look at and provide suggestions or comments on ways to make it better.


Listserve:  Want to be sure to announce that we have the listserve for use by the Stakeholders and get additional people added; suggested that Steering Committee might “prime” the listserve with some questions to get people started.  AH got a round of applause for getting the listserve up and running and maintaining it.  Archived messages can now be viewed on the website.


Fundraising:  There has not been a great deal of fundraising done since the initial efforts.  However, JLR is beginning to do follow-up calls and working to get more people engaged who might be in a position to help fund the project; JLR is open to new contacts and suggestions on those we can follow-up with regarding possible funding opportunities!

Next Steering Committee meeting:  The committee decided that there was not need to meet again prior to September 9, therefore a meeting will be set immediately following the next Stakeholder Meeting in early September.


Summary submitted by Julie L. Rhodes, contractor for the Indiana Recycling Coalition E-Scrap Action Program, home office 317/631-2220, [email protected]