*Thanks to Julie and the IRC for the opportunity to speak today.


**Monroe County SWMD owns and operates its own municipal solid waste and construction & demolition material landfill. 



1.      City of Bloomington environmentally conscious – liberal

2.      Monroe County residents are not as environmentally conscious – conservative

3.      Businesses

4.      Non-profits

5.      Other SWMD

6.      Illegal Dumping



1.      Conserve landfill space – tvs and computer monitors are recyclable

2.      Perception of lead glass problem – debatable leaching – better safe than sorry





1.      Lack of funding for program -  fee for service / recycling fee

2.      Citizens Advisory Council strongly objected to fee for service / recycling fee

3.      Some customers objected

4.      “People will just throw them in the ditch” – Illegal Dump and Compliance Dept. report no increase

5.      Really hazardous?



April 3, 2001 Board of Directors passed resolution 2001-02 banning “computer monitors or television screens containing a cathode ray tube.”  All other electronics were not banned but residents were encouraged to recycling them vs. landfill them.


April 3, 2001 Board of Directors passed resolution 2001-01

                        Small hand-held                     $2.00

Medium sized electronics             $5.00

                        Large electronic items             $10.00


July 24, 2001 Board of Directors passed resolution 2001-014  (CAC Change)

                        Medium sized electronics             $5.00

                        Large electronic items             $10.00


August 8, 2002 Board of Directors passed resolution 2002-08

                        Medium sized electronics             $5.00

                        Large electronic items             $10.00

                        Extra large electronic items    $15.00

                        Super size electronic items    $20.00



Medium sized electronics             $26,573

Large electronic items             $26,465

Extra large electronic items            $435.00

Super size electronic items            $320.00



Total shipment weight              522,726 lbs or 261.4 tons