Indiana Recycling Coalition, Electronics Task Force Meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 4:00 p.m., Abbey Coffee Shop in Indianapolis

Those present:  Terry Duffy, Michele Cohen, Melinda Antell, Jim Parker, John Crooks, Eric Goldsmith, Kristen Briar, and co-chairs Amanda Hennessy and Julie L. Rhodes

1)  IRC's E-Scrap Action Plan Project

Match Funding Update - Michele Cohen will have taken the best leads from our research, worked to contact potential funders, set up meetings, etc. Timeline for MC on fundraising was:  By January 24, all calls were to be made.  By February 4, all appointments were to be met.  And, by February 25, proposals were to be sent to each of the targeted funders.  Status: Lilly - MC and JLR met with two representatives, one of who will likely participate in the stakeholder meeting and they also supplied another name that MC needs to contact; Marsh - has not been contacted, IPL - has not been contacted; Old National Bank - JP hand carried proposal to his contact who has indicated that group meets every other week to consider proposals, JP will push him to try to get an answer; Barker Welfare - has not been contacted;  Ball Brothers - has not been contacted, but MC is going to contact East Central SWMD and Muncie Sanitary District to get letters of support; Gannet - has not been contacted.  The task force shared several other ideas for funders to approach, including:  Thompson Consumer Electronics - MC received a contact from Lilly but has not been able to reach; ISRI or other scrap metal association - may be able to get good contact from Mark Imel; Escient - no one had contact, but MC will investigate Scott Jones (wealthy individual who owns the local software company); HH Gregg - sells computers, should have interest ; Verizon - MA will investigate; SBC - has accelerated grants for technology; Best Buy - distribution center in Johnson Co, so MA will investigate; Pentranic - JLR will try to contact; Delco, Arvin and Chrysler - JLR has requested contacts from Martin Seaman, our speaker from Michigan; Staples - JC has contact from the Staples computer collection; Chesapeake Recycling in Winimac - MC will contact. MC suggested that she'd come up with sponsorship categories similar to the sustaining member categories that would not be competing with the existing sustaining member program.  New fundraising goals for MC: The goal is to have proposals to entire initial list and to have made contact with each of these new organizations by next task force meeting.  Fundraising continues to be the most critical issue facing the project at this time.  The task force stressed that if there is not half of the money secured (with commitments made, even if money is not in hand) by the planned kickoff, we cannot move forward.  In addition, there has to be reasonable belief that 100% of the money can be secured by the planned kickoff, or we cannot move forward.
2)  IRC Conference

3)  Other Issues


Next meeting of the subcommittee will be held at Virtual Scavengers, 754 North Sherman Drive, Suite 216, Indianapolis, on Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 4 p.m. (directions will come with reminder).  

summary provided by:  Julie L. Rhodes, 317/631-2220