E-Scrap Action Program
The Lake County Solid Waste District Challenge

E-Scrap Action
Program Partners:

How can Indiana's Solid Waste Districts help with electronics waste management?

Follow the lead of the Lake County Solid Waste Management District 
Become an E-Scrap Action Program Partner Today!

The E-Scrap Action Program Goals
The Indiana Recycling Coalition (IRC) is tackling the challenging area of electronics scrap (e-scrap) management and making significant progress in helping build a comprehensive statewide strategy and infrastructure for addressing e-scrap issues.  In May 2003, the IRC kicked off its E-Scrap Action Program (ESAP), and is bringing together stakeholders from local, state and federal government, reuse and recycling organizations, private businesses and many others, to explore and develop e-scrap solutions for Indiana.  The IRC is raising awareness among Indiana's elected officials, regulatory officials, and the general public about the importance of proper management of these hazardous materials-containing products.  In addition, the IRC is developing a toolkit that addresses best practices in e-scrap management. 

How can Solid Waste Districts benefit from the ESAP?

Solid Waste Management Districts are participating as stakeholders in this process to develop a statewide strategy.  In addition, solid waste districts can benefit from the tools and information to create cost-effective and efficient e-scrap programs across the state. The IRC is working directly with the Indiana State Legislature to ensure that future legislation reflect the needs of all stakeholders.  Through the E-Scrap Action Program, we are working cooperatively with all interested and affected stakeholders to improve the waste reduction, toxics reduction, reuse, and recycling options for electronics.

The Lake County Challenge!

The Lake County Solid Waste Management District is showing its commitment to the E-scrap challenge facing our state by providing a financial commitment to the ESAP.  These funds will be used to match funds from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, The Virtual Scavengers Project, Chesapeake Recycling, Goldsmith Group, Inc., Asset Forwarding, Inc., and many other program partners who are a part of finding Indiana's solutions.

And, Lake County Solid Waste Management District (LCSWMD) is issuing a challenge for other solid waste districts.  For every dollar donated by another solid waste district, the LCSWMD will match that dollar, up to $5,000. 

As the lead solid waste management agencies in communities across Indiana, Solid Waste Management Districts are key stakeholders in the ESAP process.  You can be a valuable contributor to the E-Scrap Action Program, a program sure to create a lasting and positive change for Indiana communities. 

Won't you help us meet the Lake County challenge today?

Solid Waste Management District ESAP Action Program Partner
For a printable version of this form, please click here.

_____  YES, I want to become an Indiana Recycling Coalition E-Scrap Action Program Partner at the following level:

  _____  $5,000 Partnership                                   _____  $2,500 Partnership
  _____  $1,500 Partnership                                   _____  $1,000 Partnership
  _____  $500 Partnership                                      _____  Other Contribution:  _______

_____  Full payment is enclosed  (checks should be made payable to "Indiana Recycling Coalition")
_____  An initial payment is enclosed (checks should be made payable to "Indiana Recycling Coalition"),
and I pledge to pay the remainder by December 31, 2004.  I have enclosed a signed letter on our company letterhead outlining when other payments will be made.
_____  I am making a pledge.  I have enclosed a signed letter on our district letterhead outlining when payment(s) will be made and pledging to pay no later than December 31, 2004.
Contact Name:   _________________________________________________________
Organization Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Phone number: (______)_____________      Fax number: (______)_________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________
Website: ________________________________________________________________
REMEMBER - Please e-mail the IRC your district's logo in electronic version so that we can promote your participation in this important program -- [email protected]

Please send your completed reply form, and payment or pledge letter to:
Indiana Recycling Coalition, P.O. Box 7108, Bloomington, IN 47407

The Indiana Recycling Coalition is a 501 c 3 charitable organization. 
Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Click here to check out our E-Bytes page for up-to-date news on
electronics scrap issues.