Reduce, Reuse, Precycle

Precycling -- think of it as the choices you can easily make before you recycle or discard packaging or almost any household item. Always consider what you can do first to Reduce and Reuse. When you Think Beyond The Bin, you will save money, landfill space, and natural resources!

When you precycle, you prevent waste in the first place, instead of using recycling alone to keep things from being landfilled or incinerated.

Precycling helps us:

  • save money in waste hauling, recycling and disposal costs
  • conserve disposal capacity
  • conserve energy and natural resources
  • decrease pollution.
Visit these pages for useful tips on how you can begin to precycle in your daily life!

Precycling and waste management

What is Precycling and how does it fit into how we manage our solid waste?

Precycling -- Think Beyond The Bin is an outreach campaign targeted at consumers and coordinated by the Indiana Recycling Coalition. It is funded in part by a grant from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.