items such as spices, soup, rice, and dessert; personal care products including soap, shampoo, toothpaste; earth-friendly home care products like laundry detergent and bathroom cleaners; products for dogs and cats; and gift items including aromatherapy products and candles. In addition to supporting IRC, when you shop with Watkins, you'll get free shipping on orders over $75.00; a free $50.00 shopping spree after six months of ordering $50 of Watkins products; and a money-back guarantee. IRC receives a check for 19-33% of your purchases.
To shop, visit www.watkinsonline.com/indianarecyclingcoali. Click on "Become a Watkins Customer." Complete a one-time Customer Sign-up to get your own Customer ID# and password. Then shop with Watkins regularly for your essentials and gift-giving needs and help IRC!
To request a Watkins catalog, e-mail Melinda Antell or call (317) 738-2546.