Silent Auction Hotels Indiana Recycling Coalition IRC Conference Main Page

Monday, May 8 Pre-Conference Activities Schedule

12:30 p.m.
Tour - State Goverment Recycling Program (Bus leaves at 12:30) Tour - 334 Recycling and Transfer (Bus continues from previous tour) Golf Outing at the Brickyard Crossing (Meet at the Speedway at 1:00 p.m.)

7:00 p.m.
Welcoming Reception - Duckpin Bowling in Historic Fountain Square (Bus leaves at 6:30)

Tuesday, May 9 Activities Schedule

8:00 a.m.

8:30 a.m.
Conference Opening Session-Coalition Annual Meeting and Continental Breakfast

9:45 a.m.
Recycling Sucks? .... (part 1)
  • -who says it does?
  • -Why does it?
  • -What's your response?
Waste Prevention-WHY?

In spite of a decade of recycling efforts, we are generating more waste than every. Why is that? An interactive panel of experts will debate the reasons why we are such a wasteful society. The audience will be challenged to think about ways they can make a difference.

Electronics-How To

How are electronics currently managed? Where do the components ultimately end-up, and what are the environmental concerns about recycling these materials?

11:00 a.m.
Exhibits Open - Silent Auction Opens

11:30 a.m.
Lunch and Recognition of the Recipients of the 2000 Governor's Award for Excellence in Recycling

1:00 p.m.
.... No it Doesn't! (part2)

Disputing the comments from the session above, this session showcases the award-winning private and public sictor programs currently operation in Indiana.

Waste Prevention-HOW?

Building on the ideas generated in the morning session, speakers will provide practical solutions to preventing waste.

Electronics-Other Options

In addition to recycling options, what other options exist for electronics, especially programs that include reuse or support training activities?

2:15 p.m.
Break/Visit Exhibits

2:45 p.m.
Greening the Government

On Earth Day 1999 Governor O'Bannon signed the Greening the Government Executive Order, with the intent of enhancing source reduction, establishing recycling collections at all state facilities, purchasing recycled-content products and increasing pollution prevention and energy efficiency. Many plans have developed-what's next?

Waste Prevention through Reuse

One way to reduce the need to generate new products is to reuse existing products. Learn how businesses, schools, organizations, governments and individuals can incorporate reuse into their everyday lives.

Electronics-Lessons Learned

Who has had electornics collection programs for reuse or recycling? This session includes a discussion of program experiences from electronics recycling organizations and local collection program organizers.

4:00 p.m.
Silent and Live Auction / Reception

Wednesday, May 10 Activities Schedule

7:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Recyclers' Networking Continental Breakfast - NIRI Media Campaign
8:00 a.m.
Exhibits Open

8:45 a.m.
Environmental Education for a new Millenium
  • Two new "real-world" curicula
  • State science standards from IN Dept. of Education
  • A special guest-don't miss this!
  • America Recycles Day 2000
Buy Recycled - Products Showcase

A showcase of the wide variety of recycled-coentent products made and offered for sale by Indiana companies. Come see the full line of items available and learn where to buy them.

Fluorescent Lamp-UWR

A two-part session for businesses, plus an afternoon tour of a local lamp recycling facility.

  • Why should my business use fluorescent lamps?
  • What is the Universal Waste Rule?
  • What does the new US EPA rule mean?

10:00 a.m.
Break / Visit Exhibits

10:30 a.m.
RRR - A Calendar of Holiday Ideas

Come reuse with us. You'll take home a spring holiday craft and a booklet of reduce, reuse, and recycle ideas for the whole year.

Finding Recycled Products

How do stores get recycled-content products on their shelves? What factors go into a store's product selection criteria? What can recycling professionals do to assist in this effort? Where to find recycled-content products over the internet.

Fluorescent Lamps - Part 2

This session is a continuation of the Fluorescent Bulb session described above.

  • Learn how to handle fluorescent lamps and meet the federal and state government rules.
  • Is your lighting maintenance staff or contractor following the rules?

11:45 a.m.
Prize Drawing Announced / Exhibits Close

12:00 p.m.
Lunch and Keynote: Recycling and Retail Businesses ... Working to Achieve our Common Goals

Jim Bosch, Manager of Environmental Affairs, Target Stores

1:15 p.m.
Southern IN Recycling Initiative

Planning Meeting and Elections



Tour - Lighting Resources

(drive on your own)

Silent Auction Hotels Indiana Recycling Coalition IRC Conference Main Page

Copyright 2000 by the Indiana Recycling Coalition
Web Site Maintenance by Cyberville Webworks