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How recycling saves energy

  • General information

Energy savings by commodity

  • Breakdown of the energy savings for various types of recyclables

EPA Facts on Energy and Recycling

  • The connection between waste reduction and energy savings

Tips on Saving Energy & Money: Energy Saver

  • Resources to explore if you’re looking for ways you can save energy (and money) in your home


Waste Advantage

  • Waste and recycling industry news

Waste Today

  • Covers all aspects of the waste industry in North America

Environmental News Network

  • Updates on all things environmental including recycling, energy, & policy 

Resource Recycling: News and Analysis

  • Reliable news and updates on recycling in the US

Waste Dive: Solid Waste & Recycling News

  • News on policy changes and business developments within the waste, energy, & recycling industries 

Waste 360

  • The leading information provider in solid waste, recycling, organics and sustainable communities. Also plays a critical role in connecting industry professionals worldwide.


Medication Take-Back Locations

  • Interactive map with permanent drug take back locations

Safe Needle Disposal: Indiana

  • Information on how to dispose of used needles safely


Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI)

  • Industry organization focused on the economic impacts of recycling for manufacturing and industry using recycled materials

Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)

  • Indiana state agency responsible for recycling and waste management, education, grants, research, and more

Indiana Chamber of Commerce

  • A business and advocacy group focused on economic development and improving conditions for Indiana manufacturing

Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB)

  • Organization dedicated to improving communities by removing trash and improving nature

Indiana Manufacturing Association

  • Trade association that advocates for manufacturing and jobs in Indiana

Earth Charter Indiana

  • Organization focused on youth action and education

Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC)

  • Indiana's lead economic development agency working to attracting new businesses and supporting current businesses in creating jobs and supporting the economy

Hoosier Environmental Council

  • Organization dedicated to improving Indiana’s environment

Earth Day Indiana Festival 

  • Learn more about Indiana’s Earth Day celebration.

Environmental Education Association of Indiana 

  • Organization focused on educating Hoosiers and students on the importance of nature and the natural environment


Composting At Home | US EPA

  • Your basic introduction to composting at home

Composting Guide

  • Informative article from the National Resources Defense Council on how to set up composting outside or inside! Includes what you can and cannot add to your compost 

Composting Council: Compost Users

  • Resources for those who are interested in composting, or already compost including home gardeners, local government, landscaping, farming, plant nurseries, and teachers

Vermicomposting: Composting with Worms 

  • Interested in composting with nature's help? This is a source explaining how composting with worms works 

FAQs about Plastic Recycling and Composting | US EPA

  • Helpful resource for those interested in what the compostable/biodegradable label on packages really means


Reducing Food Waste At Home

  • Recommendations for preventing, reducing, and recycling food waste in your home 


  • Important resources on when to actually throw your food out and how to keep it fresh for as long as possible. One of the easiest ways to reduce your food waste (and save money!)

Too Good to Waste Implementation Guide and Toolkit | US EPA

  • For households, how to reduce food waste using food prep, shopping plans, storage tips, and more

Save The Food

  • Fun tips and tools to limit your food waste, including apps that help you plan meals, dinner parties, and recipes to try 

Ways to Preserve Your Vegetables and Fruits

  • Easy tips and tricks to preserve your produce

Kroger Chefbot

  • Have something in your fridge you just don’t know what to do with? Tweet the Kroger chefbot a picture of 3 ingredients, and it will give you a recipe to try 

How to Measure Your Food Waste

  • This handy guide helps you understand how much food waste you create

Food Waste in America

  • Information on how much and what kinds of food get wasted in the United States

Zero Waste Recipes

  • Yummy recipes to reduce your food waste while cooking dinner

Handy Substitutes in Cooking that also Reduce Food Waste

  • Missing an ingredient but don’t want to run to the store? This guide gives easy hacks for substituting common cooking ingredients while also reducing waste

Food Recovery Challenge | US EPA

  • The EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge encourages organizations and businesses to reduce their food waste with incentives, learn more about it here


American Iron & Steel Institute: Sustainability 

  • Educational information on the sustainability of the steel industry, how steel is recycled and it’s life cycle 

IDEM: Electronic Waste 

  • Information on why electronic waste cannot be recycled in your bins and should not be thrown in the trash

Cleaning Up Electronic Waste (E-Waste) | US EPA

  •  Explains why E-Waste is dangerous (see Understanding E-Waste) and also discusses federal and international initiatives working to understand E-Waste quantities

Sustainable Management of Electronics | US EPA 

  • Master list of E-Waste information including policy, electronics life cycle, assessment tools, and research

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