Indiana Recycling Coalition

Indiana Recyclin Coalition Logo

P.O. Box 20444
Indianapolis, IN 46220-0444
Not-For-Profit Corporation
Phone & Fax: 317-283-6226
e-mail address: [email protected]

July/August 1997

Newsletter Co-Editors:
David J. Wintz and Julie L. Rhodes

Business & Industry IRC Conference Highlights NewsletterIRC Home Page

News Briefs

EHC/NSC Sponsors Electronics Recycling Workshop

EPA is funding a national roundtable on electronic product recovery and recycling (PCs, printers, etc.) through the Environmental Health Center of the National Safety Council. As part of this effort, the EHC/NSC sponsored a two-day workshop in Washington, DC on February 25-26. You may contact Dawn Amore at the EHC for a copy of the proceedings at 202-293-2270, ext. 483. Her e-mail address is [email protected] . Union County, NJ also has been very active on recovering electronic products from the waste stream. You may want to contact Mike Winka of the NJDEP at 609-292-9962 or [email protected] for more info.

Wisconsin Sunsets Recycling Tax

MADISON, WIS. (June 11) -- The Wisconsin Legislature's joint committee on finance has decided not to extend the state's business surtax used to fund local recycling programs beyond the scheduled 1999 sunset. Proposed by Republican state Senator. Mary Panzer, the move is part of an amendment package that changes recommendations made by the Joint Legislative Council's Special Committee on the Future of Recycling. The proposal is part of the fiscal 1998 and 1999 budget bill, which the joint committee approved June 9. The proposal also would repeal state standards for community recycling programs.

Problem Wastes Now Recycled into Decking

Trex Company combines used stretch film, grocery sacks and wood waste to manufacture a decking product called Trex Wood-Polymer Lumber. The product has been used to build boardwalks, boat docks and playground equipment. Trex can assist recyclers by providing guidance on collection, shipping, baler purchasing and wood fiber procurement. For more information, contact Mike Vatuna at 800/742-1035, or Maureen Murray at 201/366-8720.

Good Year for Safety-Kleen

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company recently reached an agreement with Safety-Kleen Corporation, to collect used oil and other vehicle fluids at Goodyear-owned retail stores. In return, Goodyear's more than 800 auto service centers will offer re-refined motor oil to their customers.

CD Recycling in Indiana

Two Indiana companies now accept compact disks (CD's) and their cases for recycling. Digital Audio Disk Corporation in Terre Haute (812/462-8100) and Plastic Recycling, Inc. in Indianapolis (317/780-6100) are recycling old CD's and the plastic cases they come in (if the cardboard/paper are removed), and manufacturing a feedstock for new polycarbonate product manufacturers. In addition, GreenDisk (800/305-3475), distributor of recycled computer diskettes, accepts old CD's, floppy diskettes and magnetic tapes for recycling.

Recycled Building Products Sought

The four Indiana chapters of the American Institute of Architects will be building a house on Indianapolis' southeast side in partnership with Habitat for Humanity. They are seeking recycled-content building products for use in the house, and are encouraging any willing donors to contact Steve Rieck at (219) 356-5926, or David Sims at (317) 844-3742, or Bill Tabberson at (765) 289-7889, or Russ Bueche at (219) 288-0629. The house is scheduled to be constructed October 2 and 3 of this year.

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