Indiana Recycling Coalition

Indiana Recyclin Coalition Logo

P.O. Box 20444
Indianapolis, IN 46220-0444
Not-For-Profit Corporation
Phone & Fax: 317-283-622
e-mail address: [email protected]

July/August 1997

Newsletter Co-Editors:
David J. Wintz and Julie L. Rhodes

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IRC Conference Highlights

Shea Presents Interesting View of Recycling
IRC & NRC Membership Update

Shea Presents Interesting View of Recycling

by Dave Wintz

Diane Shea, dubbed the "Godmother of HB 1240," delivered the keynote address at the IRC Annual Conference on April 30, 1997. Ms. Shea is currently the Associate Legislative Director for the National Association of Counties, working on environmental, energy and land-use issues. Prior to that, Shea worked as an attorney with the Indianapolis law firm Ice, Miller, Donadio and Ryan on county and environmental issues. She also has worked with the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns and the Association of Indiana Counties.

The main points of her talk, in no particular order or priority:

Ms Shea finished her keynote with this statement, "Never forget that recycling is part of the big picture - the interdependency of our communities, the state, the country, the world we live in, and ultimately the world we hope to leave for our children."

IRC & NRC Membership Update

by Bob Gedert, Membership Chair

A reminder to our IRC members - it's midyear already! I encourage each of you to continue your financial support of the IRC by renewing your membership. IRC members should have received renewal notices by now. For those receiving this newsletter who are not currently IRC members, please consider joining us. As we move toward the year 2000,everyone's support is needed to ensure success for recycling and source reduction in Indiana.

In addition to the annual IRC membership, you have the ability to join the National Recycling Coalition at half price! Because the IRC is an associate state member of the NRC, you gain a price break for dual membership. Join the NRC by July 31, and you will be eligible for voting in the annual election of the NRC Board of Directors. See the membership form in this newsletter for more details.

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