Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with the IRC/IDEM booth at the Indiana State Fair. Thousands of fair-goers walked through our model house display, which included many recycled-content products and the Indiana's had it up to here! TM campaign materials. A special thanks to Jim Parker, Amy Morris, Al Melvin and Janet Fox Neltner, who coordinated the design, set-up and tear-down of the booth. Also, thanks to our many recycled-content product vendors, who donated or loaned items for the display.
IRC's recycled-content products curbside recycling bin displays, titled "In and Out of a Recycling Bin," have gotten quite a bit of use over the summer. You may have seen them at the League of Women Voters's state meeting, county fairs in Pike, Clay, Owen, Vigo, Johnson, and Decatur Counties, and at St. Matthews School. Thanks for helping to show Indiana residents samples of recycled-content products that when purchased, complete the recycling "cycle". Call Janet Fox Neltner if you would like to borrow these display items.
Plan to visit the Children's Museum of Indianapolis between October 4 and January 4, 1998 (is it possible '98 is this close?!). You will be able to see the Earthquest exhibit. The goal of this traveling exhibit, sponsored by Ford, Hertz and IBM, is to educate children on the environmental impacts of their every-day life decisions. The interactive Earthquest exhibit educates children (and the adults who bring them to the museum) by turning an extremely complex and vast subject (the environment) into fun-to-learn, easy- to-understand messages. These messages are conveyed through hands-on activities, 3D real-life settings and stare-of-the-art special effects.
IRC is helping coordinate presentations by Indiana's recycling "eco-experts", who will volunteer a few hours on one of the exhibit weekends to share information about their topic of expertise. If you are interested in being an eco-expert, contact Janet at the IRC office immediately. Leave your name, phone, address and topic. We are also working with the Museum to include the Indiana's had it up to here! TM materials, along with information on how to contact Indiana's solid waste management districts for local information. For museum hours and ticket information, call 317/924-5437.
Resource Recycling has published Recycling Markets Directory: Top Buyers of Metal, Plastic, Glass and Aseptic Containers. This document provides extensive details on more than 300 buyers of recyclables. It sells for $ 19.95 or is available at a discount with a subscription to the monthly newsletter Container Recycling Report. Contact Resource Recycling at PO Box 10540, Portland, OR 97296-0540, 503/227-1319, FAX 503/227-6135, e-mail [email protected].
Landfill Reclamation (EPA-530-F-97-001) is an 8-page brochure that includes recommended steps in the process, pluses and minuses to consider, 3 case studies of landfill mining sites, and a list of references for further reading about the subject of landfill reclamation. In the three case studies highlighted in this brochure, it looks like actual recycling of anything mined out of the landfills -- other than dirt -- has proven difficult. The landfilled bottles, cans, etc. seem to have proven too goopy to have much market value. To order a copy, call the RCRA Hotline at 1-800-424-9346. If after reading the brochure, you have additional questions, you can call Al Geswein at 703-308-7261.
Eco Expo is putting on a trade show & conference called The
National Marketplace for the Environment in Washington D.C. Nov 18-20, 1997, that is targeted to federal, state, and local government buyers, as well as manufacturers & vendors. Featured environmental products/services will be in the categories of agriculture, energy, green building, office products & services, pollution prevention & cleanup, waste management & recycling, recycled content products, transportation, environmental exports, etc. Co-sponsors of the event include US EPA, US Conference of Mayors, US Department of Commerce, General Services Administration and the National Association of Counties. For more information, contact Barbara Short of Eco Expo, in Sherman Oaks, CA, ph. 818-906-9328, fax 818-906-0367, email: [email protected]
Fiber Options will hold two paper grading and identification workshops - September 18 and November 20- to be held at the University of Illinois in Chicago. The workshops are 8 hour, hands-on seminars designed to educate recycling professionals on the various types of recovered paper and their contaminants. The workshops will be taught by Jane Erkenswick, who has taught hundreds of professionals about paper grading. Contact Fiber Options at 773/247-2618.
NAPCOR, the National Association for Plastic Container Recovery, announces the availability of recycling containers specifically designed to collect PET bottles from venues such as amusement parks, stadiums, festivals and other local events. The clear/green containers, made from post-consumer PET, is designed to hold 8 cases of un-flattened single serve PET bottles. NAPCOR's Midwest Office has a limited number available FREE to those who wish to use them to collect PET bottles. Contact Tim Warren at 314/984-6898.
Copyright 1997 by the Indiana Recycling Coalition
Web Page Design by Cyberville Webworks