Indiana Recycling Coalition

E-Scrap Action Program - Stakeholder Meeting


September 9, 2003 – 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Keramida Environmental, Inc. – Indianapolis, Indiana







9:30 a.m.        Opening commentsTerry Duffy, President of the Indiana Recycling Coalition Board of Directors


9:40 a.m.        Welcoming - Vicky Keramida, President of Keramida Environmental


9:50 a.m.        Introduction by the participants


10:00 a.m.      Facilitation of meeting - Julie L. Rhodes, contractor to the IRC's E-Scrap Action Program


10:05 a.m.      Federal regulations, expected regulation change, summary of Region 3 pilot rule for CRT's - Lucy Stanfield, EPA Region 5


10:20 a.m.      State regulations, interpretation for various sectors/sized organizations, thresholds for storage and disposal - Tom Linson and Dave Berrey, IDEM-OLQ


10:35 a.m.      Discussion* of the federal and state rules and regulations; Do they meet the needs of various stakeholders?


10:50 a.m.      Break


11:00 a.m.      Local ordinances/Landfill bans and end-of-life fees - Scott Morgan, Monroe County Solid Waste District


11:10 a.m.      Discussion* of local ordinances


11:20 a.m.      Other state's regulations and legislation that drives e-scrap management - Julie L. Rhodes


11:40 a.m.      Where discussion needs to evolve from this meeting/actions and follow-up needed; announcement of next meeting time and location


12:00 noon     Adjourn


*To organize discussion periods, please submit questions in writing on the sheet provided.