by Janet Fox Neltner
The National Recycling Coalition held it's 16th Annual Congress & Exposition September 22-24, in Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida. The Congress included a wide range of source reduction and recycling workshops, tours, panel discussions, and debates, along with a large exhibition area with an estimated 125 exhibitors.
Indiana was represented by at least 20 people, many of whom helped staff the IRC's exhibit booth in the "hall of States". This area of the Exhibit hall was reserved for state recycling organizations, and it was great to see what other state recycling organizations are doing to promote reduction, reuse and recycling in their areas. Many folks stopped by the IRC booth, and really liked the "Indiana's Had It Up To Here" campaign materials as well as the IRC's recycled-content product display bins
The Keynote was presented by Thomas M. Chappell, co-founder of Tom's of Maine, a company that produces innovative, natural personal care products in a caring and creative environment. Mr. Chappell shared his reasons and practical strategies for setting an example of ethical business for others. His "new way of thinking" is based on valuing the customer, society, the environment and financial success in the business equation. He noted his philosophical ideas that we operate in two different worlds - one is a world of calculation and the other is a world of honor. In his opinion, the secret of life is incorporating both of these ideas together. He noted that being responsible tends to bring people together into relationship, whereas exercising out "rights" often tends to isolate us. Both Mr. Chappell and Tom's of Maine have won numerous awards for their efforts.
Congratulations to Emily Nichols and Laura M. Dellinger, who were elected to serve on the NRC's Board of Directors. Ms. Nichols was re-elected to a second term and is the Director of the West Central SWMD. Ms. Dellinger, elected to her first term, is the Recycling Program Manager for the Indiana Department of Administration's State Government Recycling Program. Ms. Dellinger has also served as the IRC's representative to the NRC's Recycling Organization Council (ROC), which is a network of other state, territory and province recycling groups which have roles similar to the IRC's.
If you want information about national recycling issues or activities or want to discuss NRC programs, please contact Emily at 317/745-2491 or via email at [email protected] or Laura at 317/232-7658 or via email at [email protected].
Elected officials, recycling advocates and industry lobbyists provided their insights on the political climate facing recycling, including emerging policy debates and political factors at the state level. In addition to learning that politics is "everyone's business", several specific issues were discussed.
Producer responsibility should be increased, as once a product is manufactured and sold, the producer is no longer responsible for the material. It is then left to communities and states to figure out how to reduce, reuse, recycle or dispose of the materials as a sort of "unfunded mandate". One suggestion was for product manufacturers to share in the cost of managing the "waste" materials that result from the products they make.
Recycling is viewed as a non-serious pursuit which has been solved as one speaker noted, "recycling is the most popular environmental activity". That view has taken the focus off of recycling as an issue in many areas.
Recycling issues need to be presented more broadly than as "just an environmental issue", for which people often have a limited appetite. Present recycling issues from diverse angles, such as economic impacts, jobs, energy, economic justice and the environment. If a diverse group of people can agree that recycling belongs on the public's agenda, then once that agreement is reached, the people can figure out what's needed to make it so.
An increased focus on market development and buying recycled, rather than scaling back collection programs and recycling goals is needed to keep recycling going.
Copyright 1997 by the Indiana Recycling Coalition
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