Past Policy Positions

2014 - 2016 Dirty MRF Opposition

Opposition to dirty recycling proposal from Covanta, operator of Indianapolis waste to energy facility

2014 HB 1183 Indiana’s 50% Recycling Goal

Assisted in Passage of Indiana’s 50% Recycling Goal


Defended Indiana’s State Solid Waste Management Fund

2009 HB 1589 E-Waste Recycling

Electronics and E-waste Management

2004 Electronics and e-waste management

The Indiana Recycling Coalition is leading the E-Scrap Action Program (ESAP). ESAP is a project that targets electronics waste (e-scrap) as a major priority for waste management in the state of Indiana, because this waste stream can be hazardous to the environment and costly to manage. The initial phase of this successful process resulted in a series of preliminary recommendations from a multi-stakeholder group. The recommendations present ways in which the state can address the issue of e-scrap from policy, regulatory, legislative and educational perspectives. The recommendations fall into six interrelated areas: Public education, Funding mechanisms, Landfill/incinerator disposal ban, Prison Partnerships, Procurement, and Asset Management.

2002 Electronics and e-waste management

*The IRC supports proper end-of-life management of electronics within the state as an important priority for the protection of the environment and public health in Indiana communities.
*The IRC supports electronics end-of-life management as a high priority on the national, state and local levels.
*The IRC supports a funding mechanism to offset the financial burden of electronics end-of-life programs to Indiana communities.
*The IRC supports a strategy for electronics end-of-life management that embraces the full waste management hierarchy of reduction, reuse and recycling.
*The IRC supports long-term producer responsibility to encourage electronic product
manufacturers to design, manufacture, and distribute products that contain a minimum of hazardous material and are as reusable and recyclable as possible.

1999 The role of Indiana’s solid waste management districts

*The Indiana Recycling Coalition understands that Solid Waste Management Districts are an essential part of the State of Indiana’s efforts to reach waste diversion goals. Districts provide the framework for the development of source reduction, reuse, recycling and composting programs. These programs are the fundamental tools for accomplishing the goals mandated in HEA 1240.

1997 HEA 1339 and IDEM’s policy to develop nonrule policies

*The Indiana Recycling Coalition supports the procedures that were used by IDEM in developing the non-rule policy and agrees that the process provided all stakeholders the ability to comment.
*The Indiana Recycling Coalition supports the new non-rule policy for IDEM’s source reduction and recycling grants program, as it relates to HEA 1339.

1997 IDEM’s grants for businesses and state government

*The Indiana Recycling Coalition agrees that the eligibility requirements for business grants should remain the same as those requirements currently in place, as of November 1997.
*The Indiana Recycling Coalition agrees that state agencies should have access to IDEM grants.

1995 Indiana’s yard waste ban and methane recovery exemption

*The Indiana Recycling Coalition supports a ban on all yard waste from Indiana landfills.
*The Indiana Recycling Coalition supports the repeal of the methane recovery exemption from the Indiana yard waste ban.