Staff and Board of Directors


Executive Director:

Carey Hamilton, [email protected]

Director of Administration:

Jean Miller, [email protected]

Project Lead - Student Recycling Leadership Corps:

Danni McPherron, [email protected]

Marketing and Events Coordinator:

Rachel Morris, [email protected]


Nanette Johnson, [email protected]



Cassie Stockamp, President, The Athenaeum Foundation, IRC President (P)

Greg Spratt, Director of Environmental Sustainability, Eli Lilly and Company, IRC Vice President (B)

David Vonnegut-Gabovitch, Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis, IRC Treasurer (P)

Stacey Boggs, Midwest Region Business Developer, Pratt Recycling, IRC Secretary (B)

(B) - Business
(G) - Government
(P) - Public












Jessie Biggerman, Executive Director, Johnson Co. SWMD (G)

Kira Blacketor, Program Manager, City of Fort Wayne, (G)

Nick Brothers, VP, Indianapolis Demolition Company, (B)

Bob Bryant, President & CEO 500 Festival (P)

Bruce Foreman, Plant Manager, Strategic Materials (B)

Thomas Gray, VP of Operations and Finance, RecycleForce (P)

Rachael Hoover Lekic, At Large

Morgan Bennett, VP, Green Broad Ripple (P)

Craig Lutz, Municipal Relations Manager, Republic Services of Indiana (B)

Jeff Miller, Indianapolis City-County Councilor (G)

Natalie Roberts, IRC Board Member, Monarch Foundation (P)

David Jose, At-Large

Shelby Walker, Director of Sanitation, City of Bloomington (G)

© 2012 | Indiana Recycling Coalition