
  • REVENT 2016

      REVENT, the IRC’s annual fundraising gala, was held on Saturday, November 12th. Thank you so much to Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana for once again hosting us in the Indianapolis Metropolitan High School. We’re proud to announce that 2016 REVENT was a zero waste event thanks to glass recycling provided by Strategic Materials and food

  • Take the Plate Pledge

    If you’d like to support recycling, Choose the Plate! To get your plate, visit the BMV website by CLICKING HERE and choosing the “Recycling Coalition” near the bottom of the page. Take the Plate Pledge by clicking on the image below. You will receive an email reminding you to choose the

  • Indiana Food Scrap Initiative

      An estimated 52 million tons of food is wasted each year in the US, an economic loss of $218 billion (, 2017). According to the NRDC, this translates into about 40% of edible food wasted every year in America. To combat this alarming trend in the Hoosier state, the Indiana

  • Student Recycling Leadership Corps

    The SRLC Program is not currently accepting new applicants. Please check back at a later date for updates. What is the Student Recycling Leadership Corps? The IRC proudly partners with PepsiCo Recycling to offer the Student Recycling Leadership Corps for the third year in a row. The Student Recycling